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Friends of the Wickliffe Public Library

Who are the Friends of the Library?

The Friends of the Wickliffe Public Library are a dedicated group of people working together for the betterment of the library. They share ideas, finding ways to help the library raise money through various programs and projects.

How Can I Become a Friend?

Programs continue to expand and we hope to see more Friends members participating. We also hope to increase the community’s involvement in our organization, as well as their awareness.

So consider becoming a Friend and get involved by attending a meeting and becoming a part of our team. We could really use your help and welcome your ideas.

Friends of the Wickliffe Public Library meet the second Tuesday of January, March, May, July, September and November at 1:00 pm at the Library.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm.

Future meetings: January 14, 2025; March 11, 2025; May 13, 2025 

What do the Friends do?

Friends sponsor book sales and other fundraising events.  Proceeds from these ventures benefit the library.

The Friends, in part or totally, sponsor most of the programming in the library, such as prizes and entertainment for Summer Reading programs, National Library Week, ice cream socials, authors, speakers, Tween programs, After School programs, and Story Times.

Shopping carts are available for the convenience of our patrons; made possible by the Friends.

As you can see, the Friends are a valuable asset to our library. They are always there when needed.

Currently there is an ongoing sale in the newspaper area and by the children’s area of the library during open hours.  Just go to the Circulation Desk to pay for your purchases.

How to Donate Books to the FRIENDs of the Wickliffe Public Library

Do you have books you’d like to donate to the FRIENDs of the Wickliffe Public Library? That’s great! Book sales are the main way that the FRIENDs raise money to support the Library! So, THANK YOU in advance!

Here are some simple guidelines about donations:

When and where can I donate?
Donations can be made Monday-Friday, 10:00am – 4:00pm at the library. Please note: We do not have staff available to assist with donations outside of these times.

How much can I donate, and in what way?
You may donate up to five (5) bags or boxes ONLY of clean, gently used items. Larger donations MUST be arranged with the library at 440-944-6010. Please note: Bags/boxes will NOT be returned, so please do not give donations in bags or boxes you wish to keep.

What can I donate?
The FRIENDs accept the following items:

  • Coffee table books
  • Biographies
  • Arts books
  • History books
  • Cooking books
  • Gardening books
  • Craft and hobby books
  • Children’s books
  • Fiction
  • Current textbooks (within last two years)
  • Recent Reference books (within last three years)
  • DVDs, CDs, Books on CD

What CAN’T I donate?

  • Textbooks, law or medical books older than 2 years
  • Computer and technology books older than 3 years
  • Reference books older than 3 years
  • Travel books older than 3 years
  • Books in poor condition (mold, mildew, water damage, missing pages/sections etc.) or written in

CDs or DVDs that are homemade or are missing covers

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