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Library eCard Registration

What is the Wickliffe Public Library eCard?

Our virtual card provides access to our digital collection of eMedia including eBooks, downloadable audio books, magazines, streaming video, and more. The card allows 24/7 access to all of our online resources.

You are eligible for an eCard if you are over the age of 18 and live, work, go to school or own land in Wickliffe, and do not currently have a Wickliffe or Clevnet library card.

No, your standard library card allows you all of the benefits of an eCard and more.

Our staff will email your eCard number within 3 business days of receiving your email. Once you get your library card number you can instantly access our Digital Media collections.

  • Download eBooks and digital audiobooks
  • Download digital magazines
  • Download music
  • Stream video
  • Access our online databases

No, you will need to upgrade to a regular library card in order to place holds on and check-out books, DVDs, and music from our library. Please visit our library at 1713 Lincoln Road, Wickliffe OH to upgrade your account and bring a photo ID with a current address.

eCard Registration

"*" indicates required fields

Are you over the age of 18?*
To be eligible, please select one of the following statements that is true:*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please add me to your enewsletter so that I can learn about new ebook releases and online tools that the library offers:*
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